
Some missing workers are really lost

North Carolina’s labor markets are healing — slowly. As of March, our state’s headline unemployment rate was 3.5%, comparable to where it was before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. More importantly, while our labor-force participation is still significantly below the pre-COVID rate 59.2%, it is improving. It was 57.7% in March, up...

John Hood

Double taxes for the unvaccinated and other outrageous stories

I’m up here at a conference in Washington D.C. and met somebody from Raleigh who is a fan of Carolina Journal and he told me he liked the outrageous stories segment. It’s nice to hear from readers and I try to pick out content that has a broad appeal. Here are a few stories that...

Ray Nothstine

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No evidence constitutional carry means higher crime

Editor’s note: This opinion piece was originally written for Inside Sources.  Now that Georgia has passed constitutional carry, exactly half the states are on board in expanding an inherent right enshrined in our Constitution. Still, myths persist about the so-called dangers of permitless carry legislation and what it means for violent crime. Constitutional carry simply means that if...

Ray Nothstine, John Ferebee

The leftist paradox

“When science dissolves its marriage with reality, truth, their child, is orphaned.” “Don’t you wonder where they all are?” This simple question was posed by Enrico Fermi during a lunch with fellow physicists in 1950 and has become a serious problem for modern science. The question has resonated like a stone thrown into a pond, but...

Nelson Paul

Hunting, fishing amendment could be used to force new N.C. regulations

When more than 2 million North Carolinians voted in 2018 for extra protection of their rights to hunt and fish, few probably thought that vote would lead to more government regulation. But that’s exactly what could happen. New regulation likely depends on the outcome of a lawsuit sitting in the N.C. Court of Appeals. The...

Mitch Kokai

Freedom is a tool for progress

I’m a conservative without a conversion story. Plenty of others have such a tale — they read a certain book, had a certain teacher, or somehow became disenchanted with their previous, left-leaning views. If the conversion happened to them as adults, after first being politically active as a progressive, socialist, or communist, they were called...

John Hood

The battle of the hard crabs

Editor’s note: This is part three of a three-part series from CJ columnist Nelson Paul on his unique perspective ofwhat it was like in the early 1970s when, as a teenager, he joined a cooperative shrimping operation in North Carolina internal waters. Part one can be found here and part three here.  Bending over the culling tray to...

Nelson Paul

Parents’ bill of rights is a must in today’s hyper-politicized culture

One positive emerging out of the politicization of classrooms is the awakening of parents to their rights and responsibilities in educating their children. Truthfully, in many families, too much instruction has been outsourced to the state without much thought. Pandemic lockdowns changed all that. Learning loss altered the status quo trajectory. Further evidence of politicized...

Ray Nothstine