
Plenty of morally bankrupt rhetoric on the left

A couple of weeks ago, comedian Bill Maher, host of Real Time on HBO, had New York Times columnist David Leonhardt and Duke University professor Nancy MacLean as panelists to discuss current events in America. During the first panel discussion segment, Maher engaged the panel to opine on the Republican Party advancing concerns about primary...

Joshua Peters

Presents from the deep

Editor’s note: This is part two of a three-part series from CJ columnist Nelson Paul on his unique perspective of what it was like in the early 1970s when, as a teenager, he joined a cooperative shrimping operation in North Carolina internal waters. Part one can be found here. The routine was familiar. Get the trawl...

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Carolina Journal’s Donna King reports on sex traffickers and Ukraine

Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses reports of sex traffickers targeting women and children fleeing Ukraine. King offered these comments during the April 1, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Donna King

U.S., U.K. to lift harmful tariffs on steel, spirits

The United States and United Kingdom are ending a host of costly tariffs, effective June 1, on a number of products, including whiskey. The deal allows historically based sustainable volumes of U.K. steel and aluminum products to enter the U.S. market without the application of Section 232 tariffs, the White House says in a news...

John Trump

Locke’s Mitch Kokai discusses New York Times’ warning about free speech

Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the New York Times’ column warning about America’s “free-speech problem.” Kokai offered these comments during the March 25, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Mitch Kokai

Conservatives rally around Mark Robinson after abortion revelations

Despite not appearing on the ballot in 2022, North Carolina’s first black lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson, has been the focus of a week’s worth of negative stories from the mainstream press. Conservatives have largely rallied around the likely 2024 Republican gubernatorial candidate, though, as past comments against teaching transgender sexuality in schools and his wife’s...

David Larson