
The shaky legal ground of Bank of America’s new race-based mortgage program

North Carolina’s largest corporation, Bank of America, received pushback after announcing last week they created a home loan program only available in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Legal scholars told Carolina Journal that the program appears to violate federal civil rights laws by favoring certain racial groups over others. Bank of America, however, told Carolina Journal that the loans are legal under an exception in lending law.

David Larson

Greensboro is a great American city

It might be a stretch to call Greensboro, North Carolina, a hidden gem. After all, it’s the third biggest city in the state and has more people than Buffalo, New York; Richmond, Virginia; or even St. Louis, Missouri. Still, it’s far from obvious that Greensboro is special if one is merely passing through on their way to...

Ray Nothstine

Telling a story about Democrat-led massacre enrages the left

This year marks the 25th anniversary of “Life is Beautiful,” an endearing movie that “offers the possibility of hope in the face of unflinching horror” – in this case, the Holocaust. It won three Oscars, including Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actor. The internet movie site IMDB includes the Italian film in the comedy, romance,...

Amy Cooke

Locke wraps ‘In the Pines’: Interview with producer Greg de Deugd

The John Locke Foundation, a free market think tank in Raleigh, has recently wrapped production of its first film: a short titled ‘In the Pines.’ We sat down with Locke’s creative director, Greg de Deugd, who also produced the film. CJ: You are the producer of “In the Pines.” What does the producer do? GD:...

CJ Staff

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Woke bail fund leads to murder and other outrageous stories

Canada’s Euthanasia Polices Under Scrutiny As Reports Surface Of Euthanizing A Man For “Hearing Loss” “Free” healthcare can have its drawbacks. California goes haywire! Electric car owners are told NOT to charge their vehicles because of heatwave – just days after announcing 2035 ban on gas cars  No need for the last man or woman...

Ray Nothstine

The blowback on student loan forgiveness

Even if one only counts Carolina Journal opinion submissions, there is tangible anger over President Biden’s student loan forgiveness order. The administration is receiving plenty of backlash on multiple fronts. Those include the graduates that worked and paid back loans on their own, but the more politically damaging group is the working class that never even went...

Ray Nothstine

Study: UNC Chapel Hill has 16x more Democrat professors than Republican

A recent study by the conservative site The College Fix found that UNC Chapel Hill professors were 16 times more likely to be registered as Democrats than as Republicans. The study looked at 14 humanities and STEM departments, cross referencing the first, middle, and last names of the professors with those on the State Board of Elections.

David Larson

Hyperwoke librarian’s racist rant and other outrageous​ stories

Animals are victims of ‘human supremacy,’ growing student organization claims “Students Opposing Speciesism” is the name of the organization. I think all of us are for proper and humane treatment of animals but it’s interesting this group wants to strip people of their humanity. Hyperwoke librarian at $60,000-a-year NYC private school who believes that gender...

Ray Nothstine

Families of fentanyl victims rally at N.C. Capitol, call for action against cartels, dealers

On Sunday Aug. 21, loved ones of those who died in the ongoing opioid epidemic gathered at the North Carolina Capitol in Raleigh to mark the first National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day. People gathered to mourn the tragic loss of life and to demand action from government officials.

David Larson

The madness of our ideological age

Julien Benda’s classic work, “Treason of the Intellectuals,” appeared on the scene in 1927 but now speaks presciently to those of us living a century later. Benda complained that intellectuals, theretofore neutral on issues of politics when speaking ex-cathedra, began favoring one side over the other and being led to embrace only those truths allowed by their...

Mark Herring