
After Faster Colorado talk, arming school staff makes sense

Parents shouldn’t have to worry if they will ever see their kids again after a school day. School shootings, while still extremely rare compared to other forms of gun violence, must be addressed. It only takes one victim for a family to be devastated for life. Fortunately, there are solutions if we are willing to...

Ray Nothstine

Robert Doughton and the Blue Ridge Parkway

One of my favorite drives around the U.S. is the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina. Mountains and valleys covered in trees, a sight to see any season but especially during summer and autumn. Some of my fondest childhood road trip memories were with my grandparents, while my grandfather drove and told stories about the parkway or...

Joshua D. Glawson

Bug off and let people enjoy their food

Editor’s note: This opinion piece by Jon Sanders first appeared at American Institute for Economic Research. As the Decade of Forgetting lurches on, our self-appointed elites now no longer seem to know about food. For example, a July 20, 2022 headline from the BBC asked “Could grasshoppers really replace beef?”  The correct answer — “No” — was of...

Jon Sanders

Conservatives have a lot to learn from the past

A review of “The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism” by Matthew Continetti. A master at synthesizing information is one way to describe Matthew Continetti’s 100-year history of conservatism. In the weeds and details of the conservative movement is where his account shines. Overall, despite his joyous recollections of the glory days of mid-2000s neoconservatism, the account...

Ray Nothstine

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A closer look at Marxist ideology and critical race theory

U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop, R-NC, made headlines last week by introducing a resolution condemning critical race theory (CRT) and acknowledging its roots in Marxism.  The Daily Caller quoted Bishop saying, “CRT proponents cannot be allowed to conceal the Marxian foundations of their racist ideology.” Bishop continues, “This resolution allows Congress to do what has always been essential...

Joshua Peters

Carolina Journal’s Donna King discusses Tillis’ response to a same-sex marriage bill

Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses Republican U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis’ response to a bill on Capitol Hill to scrap the federal Defense of Marriage Act. King offered these comments during the July 29, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Donna King