The John Locke Foundation’s research staff members brief candidates preparing for North Carolina’s 2014 elections during a March 7, 2014, session. To watch individual presentations, click the speaker’s name. Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray welcomes candidates and offers an overview. Executive Vice President Kory Swanson discusses the role of a think tank. Dr. Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar, introduces the research staff and covers tax policy. Sarah Curry, Director of Fiscal Policy Studies, tackles the state budget and spending. Katherine Restrepo, Health and Human Services Policy Analyst, reviews health care policy. Jon Sanders, Director of Regulatory Studies, discusses regulatory issues. Tyler Younts, Legal Policy Analyst, outlines the role of the N.C. Constitution. Dr. Terry Stoops, Director of Research and Education Studies, reviews K-12 education policy.