
NC Democrats forced to pay Green Party for ‘frivolous’ intervention

The North Carolina Democratic Party has been ordered to pay the North Carolina Green Party’s legal fees due to ‘frivolous’ and ‘unreasonable’ intervention in the third party’s battle for ballot access in 2022. 

Brianna Kraemer

Mother appeals case of teen’s forced COVID shot to state Supreme Court

A Guilford County mother hopes the state Supreme Court will take the case of her teenage son’s forced COVID vaccine shot. The mother and son sued the Guilford County school board and the Old North State Medical Society over the 2021 incident.

CJ Staff

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DEI on NC campuses emerges as surprise election-year issue

In recent Carolina Journal polling, immigration and the economy were the top issues for voters. But if one was to judge based on current headlines and debate, it would appear that the presence of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) offices and initiatives on the state’s college campuses was also a top concern. Here are just...

David Larson

The Debrief: Is this the end of DEI on campus?

This week on the Debrief, Vice President Kamala Harris is back in North Carolina, for the second time in two weeks, and there will be s a new name on your November presidential ballot. What is a “benefits cliff?” We’ll explain how a raise can be a net loss for those on entitlement programs, plus...


Federal Appeals Court upholds law against deported immigrants’ re-entry

The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest federal appellate court to uphold a law against deported immigrants re-entering the United States. Six immigrants charged under the act in North Carolina had challenged the law as racially discriminatory.

CJ Staff