
State’s high court wrestles with Revenue Department tax exemption dispute

The North Carolina Supreme Court will decide in the months ahead whether a business qualified for a tax exemption from 2012 to 2014 for machinery it purchased to make asphalt. The business and the state Department of Revenue are locked in a dispute over the issue. The parties spent nearly an hour Tuesday morning haggling over the exemption during oral arguments before the high court.

CJ Staff

Appeals Court delivers partial victory to bar owners who sued over COVID shutdown

Bar owners who sued Gov. Roy Cooper for shutting them down during the COVID-19 pandemic have won a partial victory at the state Court of Appeals. A unanimous appellate panel agreed the governor had violated bar owners’ rights to the fruits of their labor and equal protection of the laws. At the same time, the Appeals Court rejected the bar owners’ argument that the shutdown amounted to an unconstitutional taking of their property.

CJ Staff

Map Act plaintiff challenges DOT’s ‘calamitous’ claims about recent ruling

A plaintiff in a Map Act dispute with the North Carolina Department of Transportation disputes the department’s claims about a recent state Court of Appeals decision. DOT argued that the decision could produce “calamitous” results for taxpayers.

CJ Staff

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NC Rate Bureau requests rate increase of up to 83% for mobile home insurance

After requesting an average rate hike of 42% in homeowners’ insurance rates in January, now comes word that the North Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) wants to raise mobile home fire policies (MH-F) an average of 83% and 50% for casualty policies (MH-C), both broken down over a three-year period. That’s according to a press release from the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI).

Theresa Opeka

Ron Adams

Ron Adams is the chairman of the North Carolina Captive Insurance Association. During his 40-year career in the insurance industry, Ron has developed risk-management programs for the healthcare, transportation, and construction industries, as well as association-based clients. Before taking over as NCCIA chairman, Ron was the recent past chairman of the Safety and Health Council...


Federal spending drives inflation, but NC lawmakers can offer relief

If you’re like many North Carolinians, you’ve had to make more hard choices recently, like between paying your bills and buying your medicine. You might have even skipped meals to fill up your gas tank. We got here because big-government politicians put the yoke of regulations on your shoulders and spent money we don’t have...

Robert Bortins