
The W(rong)PATH on gender medicine

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) produces standards of care that are considered the gold standard for transgender care. Colleges, universities, the media, and even churches adopted WPATH’s approach, whether or not they realized where it came from. Recent revelations have shown that not all that glitters is gold. More than 100 pages of...

Mark Herring

Plaintiffs support SAFE Child Act in NC Supreme Court filings

Two plaintiffs suing the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte are defending a key portion of the SAFE Child Act at the state Supreme Court. The 2019 act opened up a two-year window for alleged victims of child sexual abuse to file lawsuits that were otherwise barred by the statute of limitations.

CJ Staff

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Federal judge strikes down NC crime for felon voting

A federal judge has struck down North Carolina’s law criminalizing felon voting. The law “was enacted with discriminatory intent, has not been cleansed of its discriminatory taint, and continues to disproportionately impact Black voters,” according to a court order US District Judge Loretta Biggs issued Monday.

CJ Staff

Cotham appointed chair of House Education Appropriations Committee

Rep. Tricia Cotham, R-Mecklenburg, has been appointed as chair of the North Carolina House Education Appropriations Committee for the short session, gaveling in later this week. Tasked with setting appropriations for education, the Committee oversees the largest portion of the state budget. She will replace former committee chair Rep. Jon Hardister, R-Guilford, who resigned from...

CJ Staff