
Destination North Carolina: Tourism sector prepares for summer hustle

Summer is on the horizon, and North Carolina remains a top destination for travelers. This year’s tourism outlook, however, is uncertain amid ongoing economic instability and elevated costs contributing to financial strains for many Americans.  Numerous destinations await travelers in the Tar Heel State, from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the glistening sandy beaches along...

Brianna Kraemer

Fully funding NC’s school voucher program is a good investment

On Thursday, the state Senate voted to clear the waitlist for the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship Program, which provides vouchers to families who want to send their child to a private school. On Monday, the state House is likely to follow suit. Making this among the General Assembly’s first moves of the 2024 short session...

David Larson

The Debrief: Locke locks in top priorities for 2024 legislative session

On this week’s edition of “The Debrief”: State lawmakers are ramping up work for their short election-year session, and the John Locke Foundation’s CEO tackles the organization’s top legislative priorities for 2024. The head of the Civitas Center for Public Integrity addresses major election-year priorities. We also address the heavy hand of government regulation, which...


Praise rolls in for Roberts, fraternity for protecting the flag at UNC

On Thursday, Sen. Ted Budd, R-NC, joined the chorus of praise for UNC's chancellor and a group of students who stepped in to protect the American flag from protesters. Nearly half a million dollars has been raised through GoFundMe for the students and country music star John Rich has offered them a free concert.

Theresa Opeka

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CD-13: Kelly Daughtry drops out of runoff race for congress

Of the handful of 2024 primary elections resulting in a runoff — in North Carolina the threshold for a primary candidate to win outright is 30% — only one involved a race for a seat in congress. That runoff race for Congressional District 13 became moot on Thursday when one of the two candidates announced...

CJ Staff

Appeals Court to consider private police patrol of I-77 work zone

North Carolina’s second-highest court will decide whether a state Justice Department employee violated a private police force’s rights by blocking its traffic work for an Interstate 77 toll lane project. A Superior Court judge ruled in August 2023 in favor of the private company.

CJ Staff

Do vouchers = a Porsche? NC Senate Dems try to slam the brakes on Opportunity Scholarship funding

All 72,000 applicants for Opportunity Scholarships this year are one step closer to securing awards after the North Carolina Senate passed a funding boost for the program on Thursday. The proposed committee substitute (PCS) for House Bill 828 passed by a party line 28-15 vote after more than an hour of contentious debate. Yesterday, the...

David N. Bass

Senate passes bill requiring sheriffs to cooperate with ICE

The North Carolina Senate passed legislation Thursday that mandates all North Carolina sheriffs cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal agency that issues detainers to remove noncitizens who have been arrested for criminal activity.

Brianna Kraemer

Lee Roberts showed what true campus leadership looks like

Despite the seemingly countless examples of university presidents exemplifying what not to do when confronted with vile antisemitic mobs, Lee Roberts, the interim chancellor at UNC Chapel Hill, displayed unmatched boldness on behalf of students and the citizens of North Carolina this week. Roberts, who assumed the post of interim chancellor in January of this...

Tanner Nau