
Lawmakers unanimously pass ‘Right to Try’ through state legislature

State lawmakers have given unanimous final passage to "Right to Try Individualized Treatments" (House Bill 98). The measure seek to allow patients with terminal or severely debilitating diseases, who have exhausted all other options, to partake in experimental treatments when recommended by a physician. 

CJ Staff

Appeals Court permits excessive-force lawsuit against Randolph County deputies

The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals will allow a woman to proceed with her federal excessive-force lawsuit against three Randolph County sheriff’s deputies. Appellate judges ruled Thursday against granting the deputies immunity from the suit. The court’s opinion noted the “obvious illegality” of the “outrageous conduct” alleged in the suit.

CJ Staff

Mask restrictions become law after Senate overrides 3 Cooper vetoes

Following the override votes in the NC House Wednesday, the NC Senate followed suit in overriding the three vetoes on Thursday afternoon, making for a total of 22 veto overrides this biennium. All three pieces of legislation now become law, notwithstanding the objections of Gov. Roy Cooper.

Jeff Moore

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Big ad buys show prominence of NC’s 1st Congressional District

The only toss-up race for congress in the state, and one of the few in the whole region, can be found in North Carolina’s Congressional District-1. Incumbent Democrat Congressman Don Davis faces political newcomer and veteran, Republican Laurie Buckhout, in what is shaping up to be a well-funded battle to the fall finish line. The...

CJ Staff

NC Senate files adjournment resolution for Friday

Lawmakers in the NC Senate filed an adjournment resolution Wednesday evening that calls for adjourning both chambers Friday. Lawmakers would return at noon on July 10, August 1, September 25, November 18-22, and December 30. Each return session would have activity limited to action on gubernatorial vetoes, appointments, conference reports, or elections, in addition to a...