
Carolina Journal’s Rick Henderson analyzes Roy Cooper’s campaign announcement

Rick Henderson, Carolina Journal managing editor, analyzes the impact of N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper’s announcement that he’s seeking the Democratic nomination in the 2016 governor’s race. Henderson offered these comments during the Oct. 12, 2015, edition of Time Warner Cable News’ “Capital Tonight.”


Former Gov. Jim Martin and JLF’s John Hood assess partisan political changes

Former N.C. Gov. Jim Martin and John Locke Foundation Chairman John Hood discuss changes in partisan politics in the 50 years since Martin first entered public office. Martin and Hood offered these comments during the Oct. 6, 2015, edition of Time Warner Cable News’ “Capital Tonight.”

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JLF’s Katherine Restrepo assesses Scott Walker’s health care reform plan

Katherine Restrepo, John Locke Foundation health and human services policy analyst, discusses Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s national health care reform plan. Restrepo offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 642).

Katherine Restrepo

Catalyst: Jim Martin and the Rise of North Carolina Republicans

John Locke Foundation Chairman John Hood’s latest book tells the story of North Carolina’s only two-term Republican governor in the 20th century. Catalyst: Jim Martin and the Rise of North Carolina Republicans is available Oct. 6, 2015, from your local bookseller, online vendor, or


Carolina Journal’s Rick Henderson assesses Dems’ 2016 N.C. Senate prospects

Rick Henderson, Carolina Journal managing editor, discusses potential Democratic candidates for North Carolina’s 2016 U.S. Senate race. Henderson offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 641).