
N.C. politics this week: What you may have missed

Each week, staff at Carolina Journal looks back at the week in N.C. politics and chooses what we think are some interesting, relevant stories you may have missed. Here’s a week in review: Testy Exchange: The Oct. 2 N.C. State Board of Education got heated when members questioned State Superintendent Mark Johnson’s recent purchases of...

Lindsay Marchello

Words matter, and each carries in its meaning a unique gravity — real and perceived

Throughout my career in journalism, I’ve tried to make it a point to learn something from all each of my editors, even those I often questioned, or even disliked. One such editor, who falls into that latter category, sometimes made points that were both salient and eloquent. Words matter, he once said. Each and every...

John Trump

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If it’s politics, it’s fine

Ten words from a single U.S. Supreme Court justice just might have derailed an effort to end partisan gerrymandering through judicial fiat. “If it’s politics, it’s fine; if it’s race, it’s not.” Justice Elena Kagan, an Obama appointee, uttered that line during oral arguments Monday in McCrory v. Harris. That’s the case challenging North Carolina’s...

Mitch Kokai

JLF’s Mitch Kokai assesses U.S. Supreme Court review of Obama immigration order

Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, assesses the potential electoral impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to review President Obama’s executive order on immigration. Kokai offered these comments during the Jan. 18, 2016, edition of Time Warner Cable News’ “Capital Tonight.”