
‘Bullpen’ is offensive and other outrageous and fun stories from the week

The opinion desk will start compiling some fun and outrageous stories from the week for readers of Carolina Journal. Some will highlight the absurdity of some of our political news or outrageous policy proposals, while others speak to moments from a crazed culture. Offering short commentary under the link to the story, I’ll mix it...

Ray Nothstine

Efforts to cancel Mark Robinson won’t be easy

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson saying controversial things could be a reality show. There’s easily enough content for multiple seasons. After all, his ascendency in North Carolina politics emerged from his confrontational speaking style. His mouth is what makes him so popular and disliked at the same time. Robinson even dares to weigh in on specific...

Ray Nothstine

The case for amending the state constitution — again

As conservatives, we cannot overstate the importance of both the U.S. and North Carolina constitutions. Those documents set the framework for our government, with any additional laws or regulations falling within those parameters. Our system of self-governance allows for those documents to be amended, and the time to do so is now for the state...

Leah Byers

Afghanistan debacle should remind us of what authentic leadership looks like

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is a brutal reminder of the lack of leadership in America now. Much of the blame falls on President Biden. Yet, given the U.S. failed at an orderly retreat after its 20-year endeavor —not to mention over $1 trillion in spending on Afghanistan — a perfect symbol for an even...

Ray Nothstine

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Woke hubris will lead to backlash  

The “woke” movement — phenomenon, ideology, whatever it’s called — has gone too far, taking a hard left and then another sharp turn around the next corner.   Veering out of control.  To conservatives, libertarians, and even moderate thinkers, this is obvious. If the most irksome and unpleasant voices on the left — including Democrats at...

John Trump

How politics has replaced religion in America

America has always been more religiously devout than other Western democracies. But now, like them, it has begun to secularize rapidly. And, as religion has declined, political ideology has intensified, society has fragmented, and cultural common ground has disintegrated. As a result, politics is increasingly divisive and existentially fraught. For over three decades, debates about...

Bruce Ashford

Are social justice surcharges creating red and blue restaurants?

How would you feel if they went out to dinner and a portion of the charge is hidden from the menu or website? That was my experience with Garland restaurant in downtown Raleigh. A 6% “living wage surcharge” was tacked on to my bill. Not only wasn’t the charge visible on the menu or website,...

Ray Nothstine

State tax cut a must after citizens told to sacrifice

In the name of safety and at times part political theater, North Carolinians spent over a year following stringent emergency orders because of the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses shuttered, citizens lost their livelihood, millions eschewed social events or celebrations of any kind. Many young people are still hampered by mask mandates in schools. A silver lining...

Ray Nothstine

Will there be a second coming of Donald Trump?

The recent American election in November 2020 may have put a new president in the White House, but there was little settled on the political and social landscape. Approximately 79 million people voted for Donald Trump. However, a majority of Republican voters believed the election contained irregularities. This included things such as fraud related to...

Ben Goodman

Mark Robinson understands that politics solves very little

Mark Robinson was rewarded by conservative voters for having the courage to take a deep dive into the culture wars. Most years, Republicans barely got their toes wet. Many Republicans believed the path to electoral success was to focus solely on economic issues while largely ignoring the left’s long march through the institutions. As long...

Ray Nothstine