
Primed by activist high schools, NC students arrive in college ready to protest

While students being allowed to express themselves is important, schools that allow, or even encourage, major disruptions in the school day (like walkouts and rallies) for radical causes should focus instead on boosting the state's reading and math scores.

Amy Rosenthal

UNC System Board of Governors votes to amend DEI policy for ‘institutional neutrality’

With just two dissenting votes, the University of North Carolina System Board of Governors voted Thursday to amend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy on campuses statewide. The two “no” votes on the board were from Sonja Phillips Nichols and Joel Ford. The new policy centers on maintaining “institutional neutrality,” a point made in comments from...

Donna King

UNC System should pivot from identitarian DEI to socioeconomics

The decision to remove Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statements from the hiring and admissions process at universities within the University of North Carolina (UNC) System was a step in the right direction towards cultivating a campus life that embraces viewpoint diversity, tolerance, and free speech. Proponents of this move argue that, before legislators and...

Joshua Peters

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Time for the UNC System to end DEI

The words “diversity, equity, and inclusion” have positive meanings that solicit broad, generic support for their core definitions. When I first heard them used together, 10 or so years ago, like everyone else, I thought they were a modern-day iteration of Dr. King’s message of bringing all people together and leveling the playing field for...

Woody White

Time for NC colleges and universities to look beyond SACS for accreditation

Two new policy briefs from the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal take aim at college and university accreditation. On Feb. 25, the Martin Center released its first brief, “It’s Time for More States to Sack SACS,” by Adam Kissel. Kissel was deputy assistant secretary for higher education programs at the US Department of...

Ashlynn Warta

Is UNC System sidestepping REACH Act with weak civics requirement?

In the ongoing debate over the University of North Carolina and its lobbying against the REACH Act, the UNC System put forth a proposal called “Foundations of American Democracy.” While at first this may seem like a step towards correcting UNC’s lack of civics education, a second look suggests it could be a strategic maneuver...

Jameson C. Broggi

ROI: NC Innovation spent big on lobbying, staff bonuses, before receiving $250 million in taxpayer funds

According to documents obtained by Carolina Journal in response to a public records request, the nonprofit, NC Innovation (NCI), spent at least $288,000 on lobbying state lawmakers during critical budget negotiations in the summer of 2023. Subsequently, NCI was written in to the state's two-year spending plan as one of its largest line items.

Jeff Moore

Study: 95% of political donations from NC professors went to Democrats

According to a new study by conservative campus watchdog The College Fix, 95% of donations made by professors at North Carolina’s 10 largest universities, both public and private, went to Democrats. The study used publicly available information from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and found $689,439.57 was donated to Democrats and Democrat-leaning committees and organizations....

David Larson