
Six-figure jobs that don’t require a degree  

If you have children, you’ve probably played the board game “Life.” Players reach a key crossroad early in the game: Choose to go to college, which sets you back a few spaces but ups your odds of winning the game, or choose not to, which puts you ahead briefly but may hurt you in the...

Steve Jarvis

College students face epidemic of uncertainty as COVID-19 fears spread

College students are returning to campus amid delta variant fear spikes, restrictions, and, now, some University of North Carolina faculty pushing for a return to remote instruction. But how does a return to campus affect students psychologically? “It’s kind of a mood-killer,” said Grayson Rosas, a senior at N.C. State University. College campuses are full...

Jeff Moore

How politics has replaced religion in America

America has always been more religiously devout than other Western democracies. But now, like them, it has begun to secularize rapidly. And, as religion has declined, political ideology has intensified, society has fragmented, and cultural common ground has disintegrated. As a result, politics is increasingly divisive and existentially fraught. For over three decades, debates about...

Bruce Ashford

Auditors find clerical errors boosting risk of fraud at Roanoke-Chowan Community College

State auditors found Roanoke-Chowan Community College issued more than $10.3 million in checks with invalid signatures between August 2019 and August 2020, putting the school at increased risk of fraud. A report released Friday by the Office of State Auditor Beth Wood said the college didn’t have proper policies and procedures in place to detect...

Johnny Kampis

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On Prof. Mike Adams’ suicide, one year later

So a year ago, I learned that my friend killed himself. My friend was a tenured professor in the UNC system, the Wilmington campus. He was an award-winning teacher notorious for speaking truth to power — and for being unapologetically provocative in so doing. It’s why the university tried to deny him tenure in the...

Jon Sanders

The Nikole Hannah-Jones debacle was all manufactured outrage

The narrative of the Nikole Hannah-Jones saga that has engulfed the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been pretty straightforward: Evil Republicans on the Board of Trustees unexpectedly deny the fundamental academic right of tenure to a black female journalist because of politics and racism. The reality is a lot more complicated. Reasonable...

Andrew Dunn

Is N.C. media whitewashing radical demands of black UNC Students?

Triangle-based media outlets have been extensively reporting various issues surrounding Nikole Hannah-Jones declining to accept an offer of employment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Several media outlets are reporting on UNC-Chapel Hill black student leaders and organizations’ demands from campus administrators. On July 7, the News and Observer’s Kate Murphy reported:...

Dallas Woodhouse

Lessons from the UNC tenure debacle

When I was asked to join the faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2005, I never dreamt of asking for tenure, even though I was a national, if not global, thought leader in a major and growing field of study. I was hired to create and teach the MBA courses on corporate governance. I had a...

Michael Jacobs

N.C. moving quickly to help college players capitalize on name, image

Twelve states now allow student-athletes, some in high school, to start cashing in on their name, image, and likeness. The move comes after the NCAA approved interim rules while it awaits federal legislation on the issue. North Carolina is among the states allowing players to monetize their NIL, and top college programs are solidifying plans...

Dallas Woodhouse