
Cooper and Biden are cut from the same cloth

It seems that both Gov. Roy Cooper and President Joe Biden think the money printer can go “Brrr” anytime they’re feeling generous with taxpayer money. But it’s not just Cooper and Biden. With each passing year, whether under Democratic or Republican leadership at the federal level, fiscal conservatives have had little to comfort ourselves with, as the...

Brooke Medina

A large majority of likely voters would support right-to-work amendment, poll finds

The vast majority of respondents to a new John Locke Foundation poll of likely 2022 general election voters in North Carolina support the state’s right-to-work law and would support a right-to-work amendment to the N.C. Constitution. The result comes as North Carolina celebrates 74 years with the law on the books. As of March 18,...

Johnny Kampis

Environmental groups see opportunity to persuade N.C. conservatives into backing carbon tax

Editor’s note: This story was update at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24 to clarify language in the final paragraph. A former South Carolina congressman says it’s possible to get N.C. conservatives to back a carbon tax and other progressive climate change policies if the left uses an economic argument to do so. “It’s possible to...

Andrew Dunn

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Locke’s Donald van der Vaart says environmentalists should lead charge against electric vehicles

Dr. Donald van der Vaart, senior fellow at the John Locke Foundation and former secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, discusses his new column for Its headline: “Environmentalists should lead the charge against electric vehicles.” Read it here:

Donald van der Vaart

Biden administration could push leftward on school choice, health care in N.C.

With President Biden in the White House and Democrats in control of both houses of Congress, conservatives are bracing for a flurry of policy changes on issues they care about. Already, the Biden administration has unleashed nearly two dozen executive orders related to immigration, climate change, and gender identity. When Congress comes back into session,...

Andrew Dunn

Increased federal regulations lead to more deaths, and N.C. largely affected, study finds

New research finds that federal regulation leads to an increase in deaths, and North Carolina is one of the states most affected. Days before President-elect Joe Biden enters office, Mercatus Center economists James Broughel and Dustin Chambers released a study arguing that the connection between regulation and mortality rates may be causal. The Democratic Biden...

Johnny Kampis

Locke’s Donald van der Vaart discusses Biden’s environmental appointments

Dr. Donald van der Vaart, John Locke Foundation senior fellow, discusses President-elect Joe Biden’s choices for key federal government environmental jobs. That includes the choice of Michael Regan from North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Van der Vaart offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for...

Donald van der Vaart

Carolina Journal Radio No. 919: Year-end program highlights key issues from 2020

As we look forward to a new year, Carolina Journal Radio reviews some of the most interesting topics from 2020. Amy Coney Barrett has joined the U.S. Supreme Court as its 115th justice. She has said her judicial philosophy mirrors that of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, and supporters characterize her as an originalist. Jon...

Jon Guze, Amy Cooke, Dr. Terry Stoops

CJ politics week in review, Dec. 14-18

Each week, staff at Carolina Journal looks back at the week in N.C. politics and chooses several interesting, relevant stories you may have missed. Biden appointee: The Biden administration is tapping North Carolina’s top environmental official to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, according to multiple reports. Michael Regan, secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental...

Julie Havlak