
JLF faces free-speech attack from Democratic senators, climate alarmists

The John Locke Foundation recently came under attack from a group of Democratic U.S. senators because of the organization’s work countering alarmist arguments about climate change. Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse specifically targeted JLF for criticism during a five-minute Senate floor speech. JLF President and CEO Kory Swanson responds. Swanson says the senators’ campaign represents...

Kory Swanson, Dr. Terry Stoops

Carve-out for single company ‘renews’ N.C. renewable energy debate

From Carolina Journal Radio Program No. 687: One of the last fights of this year’s legislative session involved a reignited debate over renewable energy tax credits. The annual state farm bill extended credits for three more years for a single company building a renewable energy facility in eastern North Carolina. N.C. House Republicans debated the...


Presidential candidates shine spotlight on North Carolina

The major presidential contenders thrust North Carolina back into the national spotlight earlier this month, when both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaigned in the Tar Heel State on the same day. Clinton had some help from President Obama, who made the Queen City the site of his first official campaign stop with Clinton since...

Rick Henderson, Becki Gray

Scholars: Democrats’ ‘web of denial’ campaign threatens 1st Amendment

U.S. Senate Democrats are endangering constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and assembly in their attempts to coerce the John Locke Foundation and other free-market organizations to comply with climate change investigations, while threatening them with charges under statutes reserved for criminal racketeering, two constitutional experts say. “All they’re doing is doing what blowhards do, which...

Dan Way

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Rhode Island senator ramps up attack on JLF, ignores substance of climate debate

RALEIGH — A Democratic U.S. senator from Rhode Island lambasted the John Locke Foundation for more than five minutes during a Tuesday night speech in the U.S. Capitol’s Senate chamber. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took aim at JLF for its work challenging alarmist arguments surrounding climate change. Labeling JLF “one of the most outspoken voices of...


Rhode Island senator blasts JLF for efforts to fight climate alarmism

A Democratic U.S. senator from Rhode Island denounced the John Locke Foundation Monday night from the floor of the U.S. Senate, criticizing JLF and other groups for their efforts to combat climate change alarmism. Click play below to watch Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., mention JLF among a host of groups linked to his so-called “Web...


Natural gas beats solar, wind as low-cost energy source

From Carolina Journal Program No. 686: Natural gas beats solar and wind as a low-cost energy source, with better environmental impacts, more efficiency, and better reliability. Those are key conclusions from the latest research report from Jon Sanders, JLF director of regulatory studies. Sanders explains why natural gas serves as a key component in keeping...

Jon Sanders

Latest state budget limits spending growth, raises teacher pay, builds savings

The General Assembly’s final deal on a $22.3 billion General Fund budget includes spending growth of 2.8 percent, teacher pay raises averaging 4.7 percent, state employee raises and bonuses, more than $400 million in additional savings for the state’s rainy-day fund, and more income tax relief targeting low- and middle-income earners. Becki Gray, the John...

Becki Gray, Jon Sanders

JLF’s Jon Sanders discusses natural gas and N.C.’s renewable energy mandate

Jon Sanders, John Locke Foundation director of regulatory studies, explains how North Carolina’s renewable energy mandate interacts with the conflicting environmental benefits of natural gas. Sanders offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio.

Jon Sanders

Legislative session builds on fiscal, regulatory reforms

The Republican-led General Assembly in the just-ended 2016 short session maintained spending restraint, created and enlarged fiscal safeguards in case of an economic downturn, granted more income tax relief, moved toward merit pay raises for state employees, resolved coal ash cleanup disputes, and eliminated some health care regulations. Although the $22.34 billion 2016-17 General Fund...

Dan Way