
JLF’s Terry Stoops discusses the need for additional N.C. charter school reforms

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses the need for charter school reform in North Carolina. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 509).

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops discusses reforms for N.C.’s traditional district-run public schools

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, offers ideas for reforming North Carolina’s tradition district-run public schools. These comments are tied to his education reform chapter in the book First In Freedom: Transforming Ideas Into Consequences for North Carolina.

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops responds to the N.C. House speaker’s comments about education reform

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, responds to N.C. House Speaker Thom Tillis’ education reform proposals. Stoops offered these comments during an interview for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 508).

Dr. Terry Stoops

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JLF’s Terry Stoops offers a ‘nuts-and-bolts’ guide to school choice options for North Carolina

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses his “nuts-and-bolts” guide to school choice options for North Carolina. Stoops offers more details in the JLF book First In Freedom: Transforming Ideas Into Consequences for North Carolina.

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops outlines N.C.’s restrictions on proposed online charter schools

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses the prospects for online charter schools in North Carolina. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 507).

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops asks whether N.C.’s graduation rate improvement masks other problems

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, questions North Carolina’s improvement in public school graduation rates. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 505).

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops discusses the prospects for virtual charter schools in North Carolina

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses a possible virtual charter school for North Carolina. Stoops offered these comments during the Jan. 15, 2013, edition of News 14 Carolina’s Capital Tonight.