
JLF’s Terry Stoops discusses misstatements of Milton Friedman’s views on school vouchers

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses a popular misstatement of the late economist Milton Friedman’s views about school vouchers. Stoops offered these comments during a July 31, 2013, Friedman Legacy of Freedom Day Lecture for JLF and the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice. To watch full-length presentations of...


JLF’s Terry Stoops discusses a report criticizing American education schools

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, responds to a recent report that criticizes most education schools in American colleges and universities. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 529).

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops compares N.C. House and Senate education reform plans

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, compares the N.C. House and Senate education reform plans. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 526).

Dr. Terry Stoops

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JLF’s Terry Stoops shares concerns about Common Core-based N.C. English tests

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, shares his concerns about new N.C. standardized English tests based on the Common Core State Standards. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 525).

Dr. Terry Stoops

JLF’s Terry Stoops shares concerns about N.C. English tests tied to Common Core

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, outlines his concerns about Common Core-based English tests developed for North Carolina. Stoops’ comments are tied to the report Goodbye, Grammar: N.C.’s Common Core-based English tests ignore spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage.

Dr. Terry Stoops

Duke professor Jacob Vigdor discusses a key problem in American mathematics instruction

Dr. Jacob Vigdor, professor of public policy and economics at Duke University, discusses the drawbacks associated with a policy of focusing public school math instruction resources only on those students who struggle with basic concepts. Vigdor offered these comments during a May 13, 2013, speech for the John Locke Foundation’s Shaftesbury Society. To watch full-length...


JLF’s Terry Stoops shares concerns about Common Core State Standards

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, shares his concerns about the Common Core State Standards. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 520).

Dr. Terry Stoops