
Hillary Clinton says ‘right wing’ might steal 2024 election and other outrageous stories

Hillary Clinton warns ‘right-wing extremists’ could ‘steal’ 2024 election A whole lot of projection going on here. Maybe it’s another one of those “vast right wing conspiracies” Clinton loves to fall back on when something isn’t going her way. Are the elections fair and secure or not? Pelosi insists Democrats should ‘change that subject’ on...

Ray Nothstine

Killing a Republican over his politics and other outrageous stories

Oktoberfest is back but inflation hits brewers, cost of beer As if the news can’t get any more depressing these days. Don Lemon Suggested Royal Family Should Pay Reparations. What Happened Next Is the Stuff of Legends. I’m far from a royalist but this is a massive takedown of trendy talking point circulating on the...

Ray Nothstine

N.C. General Assembly short session gets into full swing

The N.C. General Assembly convened the 2022 short session Wednesday, May 18, with fast-track plans to “pre-negotiate” the budget and be out by July 1. Still, important issues are on the to-do list, like health care access reports and parental involvement in education.

Theresa Opeka

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JLF’s Terry Stoops addresses N.C. teacher turnover, retention, compensation

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, discusses challenges linked to N.C. teacher turnover, retention, and compensation. Stoops offered these remarks during a Jan. 27, 2016, presentation to the N.C. House Select Committee on Education Strategy and Practices.

Dr. Terry Stoops

PEFNC’s Darrell Allison assesses growth of school choice in North Carolina

Darrell Allison, president of Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina, assesses the growth of school choice options in North Carolina. Allison offered these comments during a Jan. 25, 2016, National School Choice Week speech for the John Locke Foundation’s Shaftesbury Society.


JLF’s Terry Stoops analyzes recent N.C. Common Core developments

Dr. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation director of research and education studies, analyzes the N.C. Academic Standards Review Commission’s recommendations for the future of Common Core standards in N.C. public schools. Stoops offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 661).

Dr. Terry Stoops