Robinson, Stein neck and neck for governor’s mansion

RALEIGH – The race for North Carolina’s top office has once again narrowed. Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson’s support among likely North Carolina voters is down .7 points from last month and approximately 4.5% since March. Meanwhile, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Josh Stein’s support has held fairly steady between 37.9% to 39.1% over the same period....


Budd speaks with reporters about recent trip to Middle East

North Carolina Republican US Sen. Ted Budd held a call with reporters Wednesday to talk about a trip he and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-IA, recently took to the Middle East that included first-hand updates on the state of the hostage negotiations involving American citizens, including North Carolina native Keith Siegel, and visiting with US troops. 

Theresa Opeka

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Protecting the homeland starts at home

When asked what the biggest issue is influencing their voting decisions this election year, more voters across North Carolina chose “immigration” than any other option, even over the ever-relevant economy, according to a recent Carolina Journal poll. It’s an understandable area for concern; illegal immigration through our nation’s southern border has skyrocketed in the last...

Jeff Moore

Appeals court rules Catholic NC high school could fire teacher over same-sex marriage

A federal Appeals Court has ruled that Charlotte Catholic High School did not violate a teacher’s rights when it fired him for planning to marry his same-sex partner. The decision Wednesday from the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a trial judge’s ruling favoring English and drama teacher Lonnie Billard.

CJ Staff

Elites failing iconic American institutions

Critical American institutions are crumbing before our eyes because the intellectual elites charged with caring for those institutions are failing on a grand scale. In academia, business, and government people in critical leadership positions are failing the most basic responsibilities and across the spectrum. Students, stockholders, customers, and citizens are suffering failure, as is the culture...

Dallas Woodhouse

Democrats run anti-Morrow bill in NC Senate

Sen. Jay Chaudhuri, D-Wake, is running Senate Bill 867, Superintendent of Public Instruction Minimum Requirements. The measure mandates that the state superintendent “must have at least one year of experience as a teacher or school administrator in this State or a member of a local board of education or the State Board of Education.” The legislation notably leaves out homeschool educators, and few other Council of State positions have such requirements.

David N. Bass