
Risk Tolerance: NCInnovation weighs investment risks for taxpayer-funded endowment

The NCInnovation board of directors met last week to discuss and vote on issues ranging from the selection of a tax and audit accounting firm, to whether or not lobbying expenditures were properly reported on tax forms. They also discussed the search for an investment manager who would oversee the nonprofit’s taxpayer-funded endowment and if...

Jeff Moore

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Free speech or extortion?

In recent weeks, pro-Palestinian protests have roiled college campuses nationwide. In many instances, protests led to encampments, which in some instances resulted in takeovers of university grounds, facilities, and buildings. Thus far, North Carolina’s colleges and universities have been spared the worst effects of the protests and rioting, thanks in no small part to quick...

J. Wesley Casteen

Elites failing iconic American institutions

Critical American institutions are crumbing before our eyes because the intellectual elites charged with caring for those institutions are failing on a grand scale. In academia, business, and government people in critical leadership positions are failing the most basic responsibilities and across the spectrum. Students, stockholders, customers, and citizens are suffering failure, as is the culture...

Dallas Woodhouse

It’s not all bad news on intellectual diversity

Several years ago, I attended a North Carolina State Bar Dinner, where Judge Allison Duncan, then active on the US Fourth Circuit, spoke on diversity and equality of opportunity. She argued that diversity of viewpoint is needed for a strong academic system and that diversity of immutable characteristics does not equate to a vigorous intellectual ecosystem. This...

Robert Hunter

Bill to deport illegal aliens involved in crimes during protests co-sponsored by Rouzer

Congressman David Rouzer, NC-07, is a co-sponsor, along with Congressman Dan Meuser, R-PA, on legislation introduced by Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, R-TX, that would deport illegal aliens who participate in criminal activity during pro-terrorism or antisemitic demonstrations, including those currently occupying and vandalizing university campuses across the country.

Theresa Opeka

Federal lawsuit alleges Students for Justice in Palestine is a Hamas front group

Victims of the October 7 terror attacks in Israel are suing National Students for Justice (NSJP) in Palestine, the AJP Educational Foundation, Inc. also known as American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) saying they are operating "as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas."

Donna King