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One state Supreme Court case could destroy the court for years to come

It would be outrageous. It would be unprecedented. It would damage the credibility and validity of North Carolina’s highest court for decades. It would be nothing short of a bloodless coup d’état by the Democrat majority on the state Supreme Court that would bloody North Carolina’s judiciary for years to come. It would be a...

Dallas Woodhouse

General Assembly session now expected to last deep into fall

Members of the North Carolina General Assembly will take a couple of extra days off over the Labor Day weekend. No votes are planned before September 8. However, the long session has now touched nine different months, with no end in sight. As of Friday, September 3, the North Carolina House will have conducted business...

Dallas Woodhouse

State senators unveil new high school sports reform bill

The North Carolina High School Athletics Association would continue to regulate high school sports in North Carolina, under a new version of the reform legislation presented and passed in a state Senate committee.  Carolina Journal has been reporting for months on efforts to reform high school sports and specifically the North Carolina High School Athletics...

Dallas Woodhouse

Experience in governing? Few Democrats are left in the GA who ever served in the majority

Eleven years after Republicans captured control of both state legislative chambers in the 2010 election, few Democrats remain who have ever served in a majority. Now their strategy is simple; oppose the majority.   Having so few Democrats with experience in governing is making cutting a budget deal particularly difficult this year. “It is always...

Dallas Woodhouse

Lawmakers fire AG Stein for refusing to appeal felon voting ruling

The GOP-led North Carolina General Assembly has taken the rare step of “firing” Democrat Attorney General Josh Stein for refusing his constitutional duty to fully represent the legislature in court. Lawmakers allege that Stein refused to file an immediate appeal of a state court ruling that would allow tens of thousands of convicted felons who...

Dallas Woodhouse

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N.C. unaffiliated voters souring on Biden, split on masks, vaccine

A new poll of North Carolina unaffiliated voters shows President Joe Biden is tanking with voters who claim no allegiance to any political party. Between August 13-15, 2021 Spry Strategies contacted nearly 500 households of registered, self-described unaffiliated voters. Voters were only included in the poll results if they also confirmed they were registered as...

Dallas Woodhouse

Census data and constitutional mandates put House Dems at a disadvantage

Part three of a three-part series outlining an independent analysis of census data. Republicans will have a strong advantage politically in both chambers of the General Assembly for the considerable future. In the second part of our series, we looked at the future of the state senate, which will look different but favor the GOP...

Dallas Woodhouse

New census data, N.C. Constitution, will create a different looking state Senate

Part two of a three-part series outlining an independent analysis of census data. In part one of CJ’s deep dive into new census data, we examined the required county “clusters” or groupings required under the North Carolina constitution’s whole county provision and how those constitutional mandates will impact North Carolina’s coming legislative redistricting. Political boundaries...

Dallas Woodhouse

New census data puts GOP in good position at General Assembly

Part one of a three-part series outlining an independent analysis of census data. Two of North Carolina’s most accomplished political consultants have crunched the latest census data and predict Republicans will have a strong political advantage in both chambers of the General Assembly. Note that this is not a Republican/conservative view of how districts can be...

Dallas Woodhouse

The company she keeps: U.S. Senate candidate Beasley courts radicals

Sometimes the company you keep says more about you than your own words. Such is the case with former State Supreme Court Justice Cheri Beasley. She appears to be leading the Democrat pack for the party’s nomination for U.S. Senate, yet she is cozying up to some of the most radical elements of the left,...

Dallas Woodhouse

Dear Gov. Cooper:  Here is Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers phone number. Call him!

Gov. Roy Cooper could change the dynamics of next year’s legislative elections and create a legislative legacy if he does one thing; call Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and follow his example on the state budget. On July 8, Evers, the Democrat governor of the Badger State signed the Republican state legislature’s two-year budget. “Gov. Tony...

Dallas Woodhouse