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Elites failing iconic American institutions

Critical American institutions are crumbing before our eyes because the intellectual elites charged with caring for those institutions are failing on a grand scale. In academia, business, and government people in critical leadership positions are failing the most basic responsibilities and across the spectrum. Students, stockholders, customers, and citizens are suffering failure, as is the culture...

Dallas Woodhouse

Flashback: North Carolina’s Easter Monday tradition forged on the baseball diamond

On Good Friday state offices will be closed in North Carolina for Holy Week, along with 10 other states. However, that has not always been the case in North Carolina. The Monday after Easter — rather than Good Friday — was a legal holiday in North Carolina for 52 years, and for many years before...

Dallas Woodhouse

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Close GOP races for Congress across North Carolina

While there are many important primaries across the state, the hottest races are in several newly drawn congressional districts likely to be won by the GOP nominees in the fall.  Under new maps, North Carolina is expected to elect 10 Republicans to Congress and three Democrats, with one swing seat that could go either way....

Dallas Woodhouse

Raleigh’s iconic NC Theatre pushed to bankruptcy by COVID, competition

In December 2023, my family attended the North Carolina Theatre’s production of Elf. It was another thrilling night back with old friends in my nearly 40-year association with North Carolina’s largest professional theatre company — one of the few in America primarily dedicated to producing Broadway-caliber musicals with a world class youth-training organization. The vision...

Dallas Woodhouse

Sanford, Faircloth, Dole: Biden isn’t first on NC ballot to face age, health scrutiny

As President Biden faces mounting questions about his ability to lead and govern due to his age and declining health, historic North Carolina US Senate campaigns across three decades show the perils and pitfalls these issues present at the moment and throughout history. 1992 It was my first election as a voter — November 1992. I...

Dallas Woodhouse

All eyes on GOP primary in NC-1, state’s only competitive congressional district

The sprawling, rural First Congressional District covers 22 counties, including Nash, Wayne, and Wilson. Not since 1883 has a Republican from North Carolina’s First District served in Congress. But the district is now rated as a toss up and will be North Carolina’s most competitive congressional district in the fall. NC-1 became a swing district...

Dallas Woodhouse

Trump/Cooper counties are key to victory in 2024

North Carolina Republicans desperately want to break the Democrats’ hold on the Governor’s Mansion and other key Council of State races including the important Attorney General’s race. Democrats are hoping to keep these and expand their success. For either side to achieve their goals in 2024, they must improve vote totals in counties that were...

Dallas Woodhouse

Trump and Club for Growth split in NC 6 GOP Primary

Former NC State football player and failed 2022 GOP Congressional candidate, Republican Bo Hines, won the endorsement of Club for Growth Action in the closely divided GOP primary for North Carolina’s 6th Congressional District. Club for Growth is a strong force in GOP primary circles, backing up endorsements with large sums of outside spending. The organization spent...

Dallas Woodhouse