
UNC protesters remove American flag and fly Palestinian flag; chancellor personally puts it back up

Tuesday on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill, protesters broke through police barricades to lower the American flag in the main quad and fly the flag of Palestine instead. Interim Chancellor Lee Roberts then walked to the quad surrounded by law enforcement officers to put the American flag back up. Counter-protesters surrounded the flagpole and chanted "USA," thanking Roberts for his intervention.

CJ Staff

Why are students demonstrating for Hamas terrorists on NC campuses?

If you’ve been on a North Carolina college campus in recent days, you likely heard chants like “Israel is a terrorist state,” “from the river to the sea,” “How many kids did you kill today?,” intifada revolution,” “glory to the martyrs,” “queers for Palestine,” and other provocative and ignorant slogans. These protesters chant while waving...

Amy Rosenthal

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NCSU Board of Trustees passes resolution in support of free speech, institutional neutrality

The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Board of Trustees University adopted a resolution Friday reaffirming the University’s commitment to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and institutional neutrality. The resolution comes as college campuses around the country, several in North Carolina, experience disruptive protests related to the Israel/Gaza conflict. Chairman of the board, Ed Weisiger...

CJ Staff

Wake-up call ahead as universities revive testing requirements

High school students looking to apply to colleges within the University of North Carolina system may have to face SAT or ACT testing in the years ahead after a four-year hiatus from standardized testing in response to COVID-19. Colleges initially paused testing requirements because students couldn’t go into testing sites in person. However, that pause...

Brianna Kraemer

Cotham appointed chair of House Education Appropriations Committee

Rep. Tricia Cotham, R-Mecklenburg, has been appointed as chair of the North Carolina House Education Appropriations Committee for the short session, gaveling in later this week. Tasked with setting appropriations for education, the Committee oversees the largest portion of the state budget. She will replace former committee chair Rep. Jon Hardister, R-Guilford, who resigned from...

CJ Staff

Carolina Journal’s Brianna Kraemer discusses NC student suspended for saying ‘illegal alien’

Brianna Kraemer, Carolina Journal public policy reporter, discusses the suspension of a 16-year-old Davidson County high school student for using the words “illegal alien” in class. Kraemer offered these comments during an April 19, 2024, interview on One America News Network.

Brianna Kraemer

Wake up call: Student suspended for saying ‘illegal alien’

Most people recognize the absurdity of "birthing person" or "uterus owners" in activists' social media posts. But the degradation of the English language and the shift of common culture happens in baby steps, ones we often don't recognize until after they've happened.

Donna King