
Appeals Court rejects qualified immunity for Avery sheriff, deputy in 2016 arrest

A federal Appeals Court has ruled that the Avery County sheriff and a deputy did not have qualified immunity from a lawsuit challenging a 2016 arrest as unconstitutional. The unanimous decision Monday affirmed a trial court ruling against Kevin Frye, Avery’s sheriff at the time, and Lee Buchanan, the deputy in charge of sex offender registrations.

CJ Staff

Appeals Court splits, 8-6, in rejecting NC health plan’s transgender coverage rules

The full 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals has tossed out the North Carolina State Health Plan’s ban on coverage of medical treatments sought mainly by transgender people. The decision created an 8-6 split among the appellate jud

CJ Staff

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Politics should be less important

It might sound odd to hear this from someone who’s been writing a syndicated column on politics for nearly four decades, but politics has become vastly more important in our lives than it should be. Virtually every decision we make in our ostensibly free society is now subject to review, refinement, and reversal by some...

John Hood

Federal judge strikes down NC crime for felon voting

A federal judge has struck down North Carolina’s law criminalizing felon voting. The law “was enacted with discriminatory intent, has not been cleansed of its discriminatory taint, and continues to disproportionately impact Black voters,” according to a court order US District Judge Loretta Biggs issued Monday.

CJ Staff