
Unaffiliated voters adopt wait-and-see approach in federal elections board suit

Unaffiliated voters are hitting the pause button on their federal lawsuit challenging the composition of North Carolina’s State Board of Elections. A court filing Friday indicates the suit will not proceed until state courts resolve a separate suit pitting the governor against state legislative leaders.

CJ Staff

Budd sees atrocities of the Israel-Hamas war firsthand

U.S. Sen. Ted Budd, R-NC, got a firsthand look at the devastation left by Hamas terrorists during the Oct. 7 massacre at Kibbutz Nir Oz in Israel, along with a bipartisan, bicameral congressional delegation (CODEL) to the Middle East this weekend.

Theresa Opeka

Federal judge questions Senate map election challenge in injunction hearing

A federal judge spent nearly two hours Wednesday raising questions about a legal challenge against North Carolina’s new state Senate map. US District Judge James Dever will decide in the days ahead whether to grant an injunction that blocks at least part of the map from taking effect.

CJ Staff

Appeals Court rejects Senate election dispute, sets no deadline for trial court action

A federal Appeals Court has dismissed an appeal from plaintiffs challenging North Carolina’s new state Senate election map. The decision Tuesday leaves the case with a trial judge in Raleigh. The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals rejected plaintiffs’ request to set a deadline for the trial court to issue a ruling in the case.

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Federal lawsuit challenges solitary confinement at NC juvenile detention centers

A class-action lawsuit filed Monday in federal court challenges solitary confinement for people confined to North Carolina’s juvenile detention centers. The suit cites the “devastating and long-term effects” of keeping juveniles locked up by themselves.

CJ Staff

Redistricting plaintiffs urge 4th Circuit to speed judge’s ruling on state Senate map

Plaintiffs challenging North Carolina’s new state Senate map are asking a federal Appeals Court to set a Jan. 15 deadline for a trial court decision about an injunction. That’s if appellate judges choose not to consider the case themselves in the days ahead.

CJ Staff

Defendants object to class-action status for federal eCourts lawsuit

Defendants in a federal lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s eCourts implementation object to a proposal to turn the case into a class action. Class-action status would allow the case’s nine current plaintiffs to act on behalf of others with eCourts-related legal complaints.

CJ Staff

Legislative leaders ask federal Appeals Court to dismiss redistricting complaint

Top legislative leaders urge a federal Appeals Court to dismiss an appeal from plaintiffs challenging North Carolina’s new state Senate election map. Lawmakers filed a motion Friday, roughly three hours after the plaintiffs blamed a trial judge for delays in the case.

CJ Staff