
Lawmakers ask for stay if federal judge rules against voter ID

As a federal judge ponders the future of North Carolina’s voter identification law, state legislative leaders have asked her to issue a stay of any ruling against voter ID. Legislative lawyers filed paperwork Monday explaining why they believe US District Judge Loretta Biggs should allow voter ID to remain in effect in North Carolina during an appeal of a possible ruling against the state law.

CJ Staff

Federal trial over NC Senate districts scheduled for February

A federal judge has scheduled a February 2025 trial in a lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s state Senate election map. The trial will have no impact on Senate elections scheduled this fall. If plaintiffs win, state lawmakers could be forced to draw new state Senate districts for 2026 elections.

CJ Staff

Robinson and Stein discuss education and the economy in Wilmington

North Carolina gubernatorial candidates, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson and Attorney General Josh Stein, spoke to a crowd of over 500 Thursday at the Greater Wilmington Business Journal’s Power Breakfast.  Economy  Robinson, the Republican nominee and Stein, the Democratic nominee both came out of the gate with their view on the economic future for the state.  “We have to make...

CJ Staff

Three-judge panel dismisses Orr’s ‘fair elections’ lawsuit

A unanimous three-judge panel has dismissed former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr’s lawsuit seeking a state constitutional right to “fair elections.” Judges agreed Orr’s complaint raised political questions that a court should not address.

CJ Staff

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New NC ad focuses on EPA rule that would ban most gas-powered vehicles

A new commercial aimed at bringing awareness to a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ruling that will essentially ban gas-powered vehicles will be welcoming President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to the Tar Heel State as they attend a campaign rally in Raleigh on Friday, fresh off his debate with former President Donald Trump in Atlanta Thursday night.

Theresa Opeka

Mask restrictions become law after Senate overrides 3 Cooper vetoes

Following the override votes in the NC House Wednesday, the NC Senate followed suit in overriding the three vetoes on Thursday afternoon, making for a total of 22 veto overrides this biennium. All three pieces of legislation now become law, notwithstanding the objections of Gov. Roy Cooper.

Jeff Moore

Big ad buys show prominence of NC’s 1st Congressional District

The only toss-up race for congress in the state, and one of the few in the whole region, can be found in North Carolina’s Congressional District-1. Incumbent Democrat Congressman Don Davis faces political newcomer and veteran, Republican Laurie Buckhout, in what is shaping up to be a well-funded battle to the fall finish line. The...

CJ Staff

NCSBE rejection of third party ballot access slammed as ‘political hit job’ by dissenting board member

The North Carolina State Board of Elections denied three different political parties ballot access on Wednesday night despite each group obtaining well over the required number of petition signatures as required by law to qualify.

Brianna Kraemer