
Locke’s Terry Stoops addresses new developments in N.C. Leandro school funding lawsuit

Dr. Terry Stoops, director of the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation, discusses the latest developments in North Carolina’s long-running Leandro school funding lawsuit. Learn more here: “Leandro plan awaits judge in Superior Court; no hearing date set.”

Dr. Terry Stoops

Leandro plan awaits judge in Superior Court; no hearing date set

A plan for North Carolina to provide an opportunity for a sound, basic education to all students now waits with a judge in Superior Court. On Monday, March 15, defendants in the long-running Leandro lawsuit, in consultation with plaintiffs in the case, submitted a document called the Comprehensive Remedial Plan to Superior Court Judge David...

CJ Staff

Lt. governor announces task force on bias, indoctrination in public schools

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson announced Tuesday, March 16, the creation of a task force dedicated to giving “students, parents, and school faculty a voice to speak out about cases of bias, inappropriate materials, or indoctrination they see or experience in public schools.” The F.A.C.T.S task force — standing for Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom...

David N. Bass

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Locke’s Mitch Kokai discusses N.C. school reopening compromise

Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the compromise between Gov. Roy Cooper and state legislative leaders to reopen N.C. public schools. Kokai offered these comments during the March 12, 2021, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Mitch Kokai

Teacher’s union continues opposition over school reopening law

Even as a bill to reopen schools across North Carolina garnered unanimous bipartisan support and was fast-tracked through the legislature, North Carolina’s teacher’s union released a statement blasting Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and lawmakers from both political parties for the compromise. In a rare instance of bipartisan agreement, Cooper joined with both Republican and Democratic...

David N. Bass

The Right AOC on Point: Exposing the real racism in math instruction debate

John Locke Foundation CEO Amy Cooke, “The Right AOC,” critiques a recent document that argues precise mathematics instruction is racist. Contact Amy at [email protected]. Follow her at​…​​ and​​​​​​​.

Amy Cooke

Head of high school sports group’s board calls accusations ‘disheartening,’ ‘infuriating’

Accusations aimed at North Carolina’s public high school sports governing group “range from ill-informed to just plain wrong.” That was the message from the group’s leaders during a 75-minute news conference Thursday, March 11. The news conference responded to recent reporting criticizing the N.C. High School Athletic Association. “Over the past several days, it’s been...

CJ Staff