
I pledge allegiance to the flag

In order to be loved, a country must be lovely. It need not be flawless. In fact, no society—excepting the eternal City—is flawless. But to garner affection, it must be loveable. The World War II generation recognized our nation’s loveliness and gave everything they had to defend it. In fact, the sacrifices of that generation...

Bruce Ashford

House passes bill to make key updates to charter school law

In the waning hours of crossover week, the N.C. House passed a bill to open new funding sources and add flexibility to charter schools. House Bill 729 passed the House, 63-52. The bill would make several key changes to the state’s charter schools law. “Charter schools have matured to the point where they’re accepted across...

David N. Bass

Anti-critical race theory bill passes House after rancorous debate

The House has passed a bill that would prohibit the exclusive teaching of Critical Race Theory in North Carolina public school classrooms. The 66-48 vote on May 12 followed a scorched-earth debate in which Democrats called the measure anti-American and hateful, while Republicans countered that it was focused on ensuring equity in schools. House Bill...

David N. Bass

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House committee votes to prevent public schools from exclusively teaching critical race theory

The teaching of critical race theory as the only explanation of America’s past would be outlawed in public schools under a bill approved by the N.C. House Education Committee on Tuesday, May 11. A proposed committee substitute for House Bill 324 would prohibit public schools from promoting the idea that one race or sex is...

David N. Bass

Locke’s Terry Stoops notes potential teacher shortage for N.C. summer school plan

Dr. Terry Stoops, director of the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation, explains why a teacher shortage could hurt North Carolina’s summer school plans. Learn more here: “Lack of teachers may threaten learning loss summer program.”

Dr. Terry Stoops

Locke’s Bob Luebke assesses pandemic’s impact on support for school choice

Dr. Bob Luebke, senior fellow at the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation, explains one silver lining behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more here: “The pandemic’s silver lining: the growing popularity of school choice, Part 1 and Part 2.”

Bob Luebke

Learning loss education savings accounts: an idea whose time has come

After almost a year of being out of school, in a different school, or in no school at all, children and parents are embracing the opportunity to return to in-person instruction full time. Underneath all that enthusiasm, however, is an important yet unanswered question: how much learning have students lost because of the pandemic? Results...

Bob Luebke

Attack on Carolina Review a reminder toxic campus culture must end

While the government can’t do a lot of things well, one primary task it must improve upon is securing inherent rights. Unfortunately, many public universities across this nation are finding it easier to restrict speech, while empowering mobs to shout down any dissent from woke-minded narratives. One of the latest examples of the attack on...

Ray Nothstine