
Berger says he will combat Critical Race Theory ‘with everything that I have …’

The exclusive teaching of Critical Race Theory in public school classrooms would be outlawed under a bill making its way through the N.C. Senate. On Wednesday, July 14, the Senate Education Committee took up a proposed committee substitute for House Bill 324, a measure that passed the House on May 12 in a 66-48 party-line...

David N. Bass

What the N.C. social studies curriculum should look like

Like much of the nation, North Carolina has a civics and history crisis. Yet, it may be even worse than thought in North Carolina after a Fordham Institute study gave the state a “D-” grade for civics and an “F” for history. Even more troubling for many educators and curriculum designers across the state is...

Ray Nothstine

Locke’s Terry Stoops testifies in favor of bill banning indoctrination from N.C. schools

Dr. Terry Stoops, director of the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation, discusses the N.C. Senate’s version of House Bill 324, a bill designed to prevent political indoctrination of students in N.C. schools.

Dr. Terry Stoops

Critical race theory seeks to recast America’s foundational beliefs

Published below are the full and unedited remarks of NC Senate Leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, on the threat to critical race theory to American society and its founding principles. Berger offered up the remarks on July 14.  Certain Enlightenment Era concepts have defined American culture since our nation’s founding. Sometimes referred to as “classical liberalism,”...

Phil Berger

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Is N.C. media whitewashing radical demands of black UNC Students?

Triangle-based media outlets have been extensively reporting various issues surrounding Nikole Hannah-Jones declining to accept an offer of employment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Several media outlets are reporting on UNC-Chapel Hill black student leaders and organizations’ demands from campus administrators. On July 7, the News and Observer’s Kate Murphy reported:...

Dallas Woodhouse

Rein in Cooper’s runaway power, Locke Foundation legislative experts say

It’s now a time in North Carolina to dismiss policy based on politics and embrace a move toward legislation focusing on common sense, John Locke Foundation legislative experts say. A time to turn toward hope and a prosperous future for N.C. families. How that future looks depends largely on the makeup of our state government...

John Trump

Locke’s Mitch Kokai discusses growth in N.C. home, private schooling

Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses 20% growth in N.C. homeschooling and 3% growth in the state’s private school enrollment. Kokai offered these comments during the July 9, 2021, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Mitch Kokai

Robinson helps national campaign against anti-American indoctrination

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is backing a national group’s fight against “anti-American indoctrination,” including critical race theory, in public school classrooms. The group 1776 Action released a video this week with Robinson explaining his support for the campaign. We’re thrilled to have the support of @markrobinsonNC in our fight to stop anti-American indoctrination in our...

CJ Staff

Locke’s Terry Stoops analyzes growth in N.C. home, private schools

Dr. Terry Stoops, director of the Center for Effective Education at the John Locke Foundation, discusses growth in N.C. homeschooling and private school enrollment. Learn more here: “School choice keeps growing thanks to Cooper and Cohen.”

Dr. Terry Stoops

Lessons from the UNC tenure debacle

When I was asked to join the faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2005, I never dreamt of asking for tenure, even though I was a national, if not global, thought leader in a major and growing field of study. I was hired to create and teach the MBA courses on corporate governance. I had a...

Michael Jacobs