
Duke must answer for false race allegation

It’s been nearly two weeks since BYU Women’s Volleyball fans were accused of repeated acts of racism by Duke University during a match. After two weeks with zero evidence that this horrific allegation occurred, Duke University is obligated to fully admit the toxic, incendiary allegation that the Duke University Women’s Volleyball team was repeatedly harassed...

Dallas Woodhouse

Greensboro is a great American city

It might be a stretch to call Greensboro, North Carolina, a hidden gem. After all, it’s the third biggest city in the state and has more people than Buffalo, New York; Richmond, Virginia; or even St. Louis, Missouri. Still, it’s far from obvious that Greensboro is special if one is merely passing through on their way to...

Ray Nothstine

To brief or not to brief: Roy Cooper’s bad Hamlet act

We’re all more suspicious of public health guidance than we used to be, but pandemic policy forced me and my goombahs into meeting weekly over a Zoom video feed rather than across coffee shop tables. While there’s no substitute for ordering a macchiato under cafe speakers where Mick Jagger and his bandmates are oozing their...

Patrick O’Hannigan

The blowback on student loan forgiveness

Even if one only counts Carolina Journal opinion submissions, there is tangible anger over President Biden’s student loan forgiveness order. The administration is receiving plenty of backlash on multiple fronts. Those include the graduates that worked and paid back loans on their own, but the more politically damaging group is the working class that never even went...

Ray Nothstine

Locke’s Terry Stoops reacts to N.C. Supreme Court’s Leandro arguments

Dr. Terry Stoops, director of the John Locke Foundation’s Center for Effective Education, discusses N.C. Supreme Court oral arguments in the long-running Leandro education funding lawsuit. Stoops offered these comments during the Aug. 31, 2022, edition of Spectrum News 1’s “Capital Tonight.”

Dr. Terry Stoops

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State Supreme Court peppers lawyers with questions about $785 million Leandro spending order

The N.C. Supreme Court will decide in the days ahead whether a judge can order the state to spend an additional $785 million for education-related items. Justices also will decide whether the courts can bypass the General Assembly and order the money transferred out of the state treasury. Those are the key questions in the latest stage of the long-running Leandro school funding case. The case that dates back to 1994 returned to the state’s highest court Wednesday for oral arguments.

CJ Staff

Study: UNC Chapel Hill has 16x more Democrat professors than Republican

A recent study by the conservative site The College Fix found that UNC Chapel Hill professors were 16 times more likely to be registered as Democrats than as Republicans. The study looked at 14 humanities and STEM departments, cross referencing the first, middle, and last names of the professors with those on the State Board of Elections.

David Larson

U.S. Supreme Court filing compares UNC leaders to 1950s-era segregationists

A filing this month in the U.S. Supreme Court accuses University of North Carolina leaders of making the same types of arguments that segregationists made against the landmark 1954 ruling Brown v. Board of Education. The brief from Students for Fair Admissions marks the latest salvo in that group’s battle against UNC’s race-based admissions policy. The nation’s highest court will hear oral arguments in the case on Oct. 31.

CJ Staff

What is WestEd? Arguments this week could determine what N.C. children learn

The N.C. Supreme Court justices hear oral arguments this week in a politically charged case that could end up determining who controls North Carolina's government education system, how money is allocated for it, and what is taught to North Carolina's children.

Donna King, David N. Bass

Latest data shows strong homeschool and private school enrollment in NC

Two reports published by the North Carolina State Department of Administration’s Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) related to homeschools and private schools across the state show both options have strong enrollment figures. The 2022 North Carolina Home School Statistical Summary’s key takeaways include a statewide total of 100,904 homeschools and a total of 160,528 students ages six...

A.P. Dillon