
Carolina Journal’s Donna King queries House Speaker Moore about education

Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, asks N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, about his education priorities. This exchange took place during the Nov. 25, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Donna King

Entrepreneurship and classical education: where opportunity and values meet

In recent years, the push for more STEM courses in K-12 education has advanced alongside calls for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk start new businesses that improve our quality of life and, perhaps more importantly to its political supporters, help the United States stay ahead of competitors abroad, particularly in...

Winston Brady

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The enduring value of classical education

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer made headlines for dodging a basic question: Should pornographic materials be in K-12 school libraries? Whitmer’s unwillingness to answer the question (which should be a resounding “No!”) is indicative of the state of mainstream education today. While many schools have excellent teachers who work within the mainstream system, public education in America is...

Josh Herring

UNC System claims ‘massive liability’ from suit over fees paid during COVID shutdown

The University of North Carolina System argues that a recent N.C. Court of Appeals decision exposes the university to “massive liability.” The decision would allow students from N.C. State and UNC-Chapel Hill to sue over fees paid during COVID-19 campus shutdowns. University officials filed paperwork Tuesday asking the N.C. Supreme Court to take up the case.

CJ Staff

The University of North Carolina fights for the right to racial discrimination

The United State Supreme Court heard oral arguments of Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina (SFFA v. UNC) on October 31. The case allows the high court to correct a historical wrong and end racial preferences in college admissions. The plaintiffs, SFFA, asked in their hearing request for the high court to reverse its 2003 ruling...

Andy Jackson

Locke’s Mitch Kokai discusses UNC admissions case at U.S. Supreme Court

Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the UNC-Chapel Hill admissions lawsuit at the U.S. Supreme Court. Kokai offered these comments during the Nov. 4, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Mitch Kokai