
Leandro judge sets $677 million as outstanding NC education spending obligation

The judge overseeing North Carolina’s long-running Leandro education funding case says the state must spend an additional $677 million to cover items in a court-endorsed plan. That number matches a figure Gov. Roy Cooper’s state budget office produced in December 2022.

CJ Staff

House GOP leaders push for faster charter school approvals

On Thursday, North Carolina House Republicans introduced a new bill proposing the creation of a “Charter School Review Board” to take over responsibility for approving, amending, renewing, and terminating charter schools in an effort to streamline the decision-making process for charter schools. The new board will be responsible for reviewing and approving new rules for...

Alex Baltzegar

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Split NC Appeals Court affirms professor’s firing, dissent raises First Amendment concerns

The N.C. Court of Appeals has affirmed the University of North Carolina System’s decision to fire a Winston-Salem State justice studies professor in 2019. But the split 2-1 ruling raised questions about the professor’s First Amendment rights.

CJ Staff

NC State asks federal court to dismiss athletics sex abuse case

N.C. State University is asking a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit from an unidentified former student-athlete. The athlete claims he was sexually abused by the school’s former sports medicine director during treatment in 2015.

CJ Staff

House unveils new NC budget. Here’s what’s inside:

On Wednesday, North Carolina House leaders unveiled their proposed state budget. Governor Cooper will be under pressure to sign the state legislature's budget because its passage is tied to Medicaid expansion, a bill he signed last week. The House's budget will cost $27.9 billion, a 10.5 percent increase from the previous budget and a number agreed upon in advance between the House and Senate.

Alex Baltzegar