
Unanimous Appeals Court panel rules against Harnett schools in pension-spiking fight

A unanimous three-judge panel of the NC Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of the state retirement system and against the Harnett County school board in a pension-spiking battle. At stake is a nearly $198,000 bill assessed to the local schools.

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Court hearing focuses on Jacob Doe’s anonymity in UNC sex assault case

A federal court hearing scheduled Tuesday morning in Asheville could help determine whether a former University of North Carolina student can continue to shield his real name while he sues the school. The student identified as Jacob Doe claims UNC Chapel Hill botched a sexual assault investigation before expelling him.

CJ Staff

Leandro plaintiffs ask state’s highest court to steer clear of latest dispute

Plaintiffs in North Carolina’s long-running Leandro education funding lawsuit have asked the state Supreme Court to reject the latest petition from state legislative leaders. Top lawmakers are asking the court to take another look at Leandro.

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Charlotte schools’ social media suit likely to shift to California court

A federal court in California is likely to address the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school board's lawsuit against major social media companies. The suit filed in August accuses the companies of contributing to a “mental health crisis” among American children.

CJ Staff

Legislative leaders argue for new state Supreme Court review in Leandro case

Top leaders of North Carolina’s General Assembly have filed their official request for the state Supreme Court to take another look at the 29-year-old Leandro education funding lawsuit. A judge has ordered $677 million in new education spending tied to a Leandro plan.

CJ Staff

Wilson school board appeals pension-spiking ruling to top NC court

The Wilson County school board hopes North Carolina’s top court will take up its case challenging an application of the state pension-spiking law. An August court ruling could force Wilson schools to pay an additional $400,000 to help fund a former assistant superintendent’s retirement.

CJ Staff

Leandro education funding case could head back to NC’s highest court

Lawyers for North Carolina’s top legislative leaders have signaled that they will seek a new state Supreme Court review of the long-running Leandro education funding case. A footnote in a court filing Friday mentions lawmakers' plan to ask the high court to bypass the state Appeals Court in the latest Leandro dispute.

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