
NC’s ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ needs sharper teeth

Last year, the Republican legislature passed the Parents Bill of Rights (PBR) over Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto. The PBR gives parents the right, among other things, to challenge supplementary materials — including library books — that contain content parents find objectionable. Based on my recent experience representing a parent in an appeal to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school...

Peter Barwick

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Carolina Journal’s Donna King analyzes the Leandro case and NC school funding

Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses North Carolina’s Leandro education funding lawsuit and reforming the state’s system of paying for students’ education needs. King offered these comments during the Feb. 23, 2024, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “State Lines.”

Donna King

New school board group sounds alarm on mediocre education putting ‘nation at risk’

Forty-one years ago, under the leadership of President Ronald Reagan, the National Commission on Excellence in Education found “a nation at risk.”  If​ ​an​ ​unfriendly​ ​foreign​ ​power​ ​had​ ​attempted​ ​to​ ​impose​ ​on​ ​America​ ​the mediocre​ ​educational​ ​performance​ ​that​ ​exists​ ​today,​ ​we​ ​might​ ​well​ ​have viewed​ ​it​ ​as​ ​an​ ​act​ ​of​ ​war.​ ​As​ ​it​ ​stands,​ ​we​...

Amy Cooke

State’s highest court wrestles again with Leandro education funding issues

The North Carolina Supreme Court could decide in the coming months whether to strike the most recent decisions about court-ordered education funding in the 30-year legal battle commonly known as Leandro. All seven justices spent 80 minutes Thursday morning listening to and questioning lawyers who defended and opposed an April 2023 trial court order calling for $677 million in additional state funding.

CJ Staff