
Tillis helps push U.S. defense bill for N.C. bases, yet lawmakers manage to sneak in unrelated provisions

Military installations in North Carolina will benefit from the recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, which U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina, helped to push through Congress. President Biden signed the $778 billion act, Senate Bill 1605, in late December. The act authorizes appropriations principally for Department of Defense programs and military construction,...

John Trump

State auditor investigating Goldsboro over possible mismanagement of funding

State Auditor Beth Wood is investigating the city of Goldsboro over possible mismanagement and misappropriation of funds. The investigation comes after the city’s 2019 audit showed multiple bookkeeping adjustments to capital assets and notes receivable, with no audits conducted in 2020 or 2021. State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who requested the investigation, in a press release said...

Theresa Opeka

McCrory tops Budd in GOP primary poll of 2022 U.S. Senate race

Former N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory is the preferred choice for the state’s U.S. Senate seat in 2022, according to a Civitas Poll of likely GOP primary voters released Thursday, Jan. 13. McCrory, a Republican, leads the primary field with 24% of the vote, compared to 19% for 13th congressional district Rep. Ted Budd and 7%...

David N. Bass

COVID is here to stay, so let’s start dealing with it

It’s well past time to try a different approach with COVID, and the Omicron variant in particular. The mainstream media must adjust its reporting, as well, to reflect reality and, well, to infuse some common sense. To stop reporting the rise in cases and hospitalizations, because both are skewed and fundamentally inaccurate. It’s one thing...

John Trump

Survey: More than half of parents explored alternative school options during pandemic

A new survey from the nonprofit organization National School Choice Week shows that 52% of parents said they were considering — or considered in the past year — choosing a new or different school for their children. Education quality and pandemic disruptions were the topic reasons cited for finding another school: 36% of parents wanted...

David N. Bass

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Appeal means $1.7 billion Leandro transfer could end up at N.C. Supreme Court

A Democrat-controlled N.C. Supreme Court could end up deciding the constitutionality of a $1.7-billion transfer ordered by the presiding judge in the long-running Leandro school funding lawsuit. That outcome could be in the cards after plaintiffs in the case filed an appeal Dec. 15 challenging a Court of Appeals that blocked enforcement of the order...

David N. Bass

N.C. Treasurer calls Leandro ruling a ‘constitutional crisis’

North Carolina continues to wait and see if the state Supreme Court will address a trial judge’s $1.7 billion education funding order. The state Appeals Court threw out that order, but the case could head to North Carolina’s highest court in the weeks ahead. State Treasurer Dale Folwell said the waiting should be a moot...

Theresa Opeka

We have much fear already, so stop trying to create angst, uncertainty

We have so much to fear. From an innumerable list of things natural and manmade. If that is, we choose to effectually succumb to the doubt and the uncertainty. The mainstream media, in fact, encapsulates that fear and profits from it, driving ratings and online viewership. Niche websites, coming from all directions, do much of...

John Trump

Why the Fourth Estate is in receivership

The fourth estate, journalism, is racing to receivership unless we can rescue it from its rapacious self. The hubris hasn’t always been this bad, this blatant, or this biased, yet it worsens daily. In the town I grew up in, Nashville, Tennessee, there were two newspapers in the 1950s and 1960s, one for the morning,...

Mark Herring

Attorney general uses ongoing ’emergency’ in announcement on price gouging

N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein is using Gov. Roy Cooper’s never-ending state of emergency in encouraging residents to report so-called price gouging related to the coronavirus pandemic.  Stein, in a news release, says his office has heard, albeit anecdotally, that price gouging may be occurring when people look to buy at-home COVID tests.  “Filing a...

John Trump