
Round up the horses

In the Disney “Toy Story” movie series, Buzz Lightyear and Woody are the unlikeliest of friends. The stark contrast between the two figurines and the cultures they represent is purely intentional. The movie plots are built around these two sorting out their different approaches to whatever the problem is at hand. So many scenarios involving...

Nelson Paul

Filing for 2022 statewide primary election resumes

Candidate filing for the 2022 statewide primary has restarted across North Carolina. Filing for the primary and rescheduled municipal elections will continue through March 4. The N.C. Supreme Court suspended the filing period, which began Dec. 6, and moved the date of the statewide primary and rescheduled municipal elections for May 17, the N.C. Board...

John Trump

Tillis, Burr seeking answers in Durham probe as leftist media chooses to ignore it

The so-called mainstream media, consumed with COVID and Ukraine, continue to either discount or downright ignore the Durham report and a recent court filing, which, pending an investigation, could have huge ramifications for Democrats and the Biden administration. U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, a North Carolina Republican, is crying foul. “The recent revelations of the Durham...

John Trump

Freedom? U.S. dips to record low in global rankings

The Heritage Foundation’s 2022 “Index of Economic Freedom” puts the United States at a record low ranking, falling from 20th in 2021 to 25th this year out of 177 countries ranked. “The decline of American economic freedom is serious cause for alarm, and has real and tangible consequences for all Americans, especially low-income families and...

David N. Bass

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State’s solid economy means better rebound, post-pandemic 

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a huge blow at the economies of many states, with North Carolina falling about the middle of the pack; better than most, but worse than others. In a recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Illinois, for example, has only recovered 70% of jobs the state lost during...

Theresa Opeka

A highway runs through it: Farmers, landowners question effects of planned bypass  

Property owners in one of the few remaining rural areas of fast-growing Wake County are questioning plans to build a bypass for U.S. 401 that would dissect several long-time family farms.  The plan — orchestrated by the N.C. Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization — could expand the corridor to 19 miles of highway from Banks...

David N. Bass

Biden could be helped, hurt by a ‘White House intellectual’

Tevi Troy, presidential historian and senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center, discusses his recent Washington Post column, “Can a White House intellectual save Biden’s presidency?” Troy also promotes a Tuesday, Feb. 15, Bipartisan Policy Center conference, “The 21st Century Presidency: Two Decades of Significant Change.” Read the column: “Can a White House intellectual save...

Mitch Kokai

Medical marijuana, expanding Medicaid on agenda when lawmakers return for 2022 short session this spring 

The 2021 session of the General Assembly began in January, as the world was entering its second year of the pandemic. The hope was the COVID fog would lift, allowing a return to normalcy, at least in a relative sense, and that lawmakers could go about business as usual.  Much was on the legislative agenda,...

John Trump

Mask rules to remain in N.C. schools

North Carolina won’t be joining the growing number of states ending the mask mandates for public school students. In a meeting Wednesday, Feb. 10, with county health officials statewide, the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services said the agency is updating the DHHS Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit k-12 to recommend “students and...

Donna King

ABC issues fines, moves forward in expanding the size of growlers

The N.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission has taken another step in passing rules to expand the size of growlers from 2 to 4 liters. On Wednesday, Feb. 9. the commission held a public hearing on the proposed, permanent Expand Allowable Growler Size rule. The move is part of House Bill 890, an alcohol omnibus bill...

John Trump