
Rising violence and other outrageous stories

‘The View’s’ Joy Behar unaware that black Americans own guns too Why do so many white liberals treat black folk like pets or mascots? Not to mention the sheer stupidity of Behar’s comments. Racism is alive and well but not always in the way the corporate media likes to explain it. Seven new Hunter Biden...

Ray Nothstine

Why conservatives should not ‘compromise’ on ‘reasonable’ gun control

Given recent tragedies, some conservatives say “universal background checks” (UBCs) and “red flag” gun confiscation orders (GCOs) aren’t so bad and perhaps we should “compromise.” Ignoring, momentarily, that neither measure would prevent mass killings (since most involve gang killings, not active shooters) and that their inevitable failure will have gun ban advocates clamoring for more,...

F. Paul Valone

Why more states are arming teachers on campus

Laura Carno and her team of law enforcement instructors spend their days teaching teachers the skills they hope they will never have to use. A campus shooting is a nightmare scenario, but she says training and arming school staff is key to saving lives. Having trained more than 250 school employees, Carno’s FASTER Colorado program...

Donna King

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Should we sacrifice our gun rights for political expedience?

Twenty-one innocent people, 19 of them children, are dead. A young man felt that the best option in life was to kill his grandmother and other innocent strangers. He was able to gain access to an unsecured school where he knew no one could defend themselves, and there was no one there with the tools to...

John Ferebee

2 gun reforms conservatives can get behind

After the tragic killing of more than 20 people at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, by a lone gunman on May 24, and the killing of 10 black Buffalo residents by a white supremacist 10 days earlier in a grocery store, the nation has been collectively grieving and gripped by righteous anger. Much of...

David Larson

Carolina Journal’s Donna King discusses N.C. families’ concerns about baby formula

Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses recent concerns in North Carolina about a national baby formula shortage. King offered these comments during the May 27, 2022, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”

Donna King

The attack on free speech you haven’t heard about

In September of 2021, the Texas Legislature passed a law meant to reel in the social media giants’ monopoly of online opinion. The bill, known as H.B. 20, requires large tech companies to produce regular reports of removed content, create a complaint system, and disclose their content regulation procedures. It applies to companies whose users...

Alex Urban