
The absurdities of ideological driven science

In the 21st century, woke progressivism has inundated itself in mass culture, academic institutions, and left-wing political policy. However, in its most recent expansion it has perniciously invaded scientific institutions in an attempt to totalize a political agenda. In seeking to have a totalizing narrative, woke progressivism attempts to leave no stone unturned. The insatiable...

Joshua Peters

Liberty in Iran

Growing up undercover Persian is one of the most surprising things for people after getting to know me. I was raised Persian since around five-years-old. My step-father is from Iran and married my mother. Daily, I experienced the Persian Iranian culture through the food, language, music, holidays, and people. It blended in well with my life as...

Joshua D. Glawson

NC Conference of United Methodists may lose 1/3 of churches to new denomination

A split in the United Methodist Church, North Carolina’s second largest religious denomination, has seemed increasingly likely the last few years, and now at least 260 churches in the state's 779-church eastern conference, known as the N.C. Conference, have voted to disaffiliate or plan to next year.

David Larson

Why the midterms matter more than ever

In his inimitable style, the great English essayist, Samuel Johnson, boomed (he rarely spoke) that what is known isn’t always obvious and what is obvious isn’t always present. Before I am charged with stating the obvious, let me remind readers that Alfred North Whitehead said it takes extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious. So, let’s...

Mark Herring

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Reflections on the free market from a Cold War-influenced Christian

One of the most vivid memories from my youth is watching the FB-111s, B-52s, and B-1 bombers take off and land. I’m sure I saw an SR-71 land once, but it was dark. My dad flew the KC-135 air refuelers, and I’d ride around with him in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) vans when permitted...

Ray Nothstine

New Zealand wants to tax cow burps and other outrageous stories

New Zealand proposes taxing cow burps, angering farmers Isn’t there a saying about “the inmates running the asylum?” On a more serious note, there has been a lot of progress in the world, but I hope our regression on critical thinking skills is rightfully mocked by future generations. Troy Aikman under fire for ‘take the...

Ray Nothstine

‘Save democracy! Kill free speech!’

George Orwell’s doublespeak is the dialect of the political left. The ease with which elected officials spew words that contradict our lived experiences is remarkable. President Biden celebrates the “Inflation Reduction Act” as inflation ravages American households. Vice President Kamala Harris says on national television that the southern border is “secure” despite the very real...

Amy Cooke

Time to get rid of the soft-on-crime politicians

I’m less interested in partisan politics than some of my peers, but I’m tired of politicians coddling criminals. Violent crime is up in North Carolina and generally way up in many of America’s urban environments. Violent crime in Asheville is up 31% over five years. Statistics are telling, but behind the numbers are actual dead mothers, sons, and other...

Ray Nothstine

I was once a National Conservatism skeptic, but the ideas are needed

I attended the third National Conservativism conference in Miami and was pleasantly surprised by what I heard. I went skeptical: “nationalism” left a bad taste in my mouth, and I was sure I would find rabid Donald Trump supporters, QAnon types, or people who despised those from other countries. None of my preconceptions were true....

Josh Herring

Political dysfunction should point us to the disease

“Real Time” with Bill Maher has become one of the last, if not last, American television talk show to air political commentary from a left-wing perspective that is not under the guise of political correctness. While the host, American comedian Bill Maher, views political events through a progressive lens, he does not hold back from...

Joshua Peters