
‘Take Back Title IX’ bus vandalized in Chapel Hill

The controversy surrounding the Biden administration’s Title IX rewrite took a dramatic turn in Chapel Hill this week when a bus for the “Take Back Title IX” tour was vandalized while in the area. The bus, acting as both a vehicle and a mobile symbol for the national movement to preserve women’s sports, was defaced...

David N. Bass

Heritage report: School transgender policies clash with parental rights

A recent Heritage Foundation report raises concerns about K-12 school transgender policies that exclude parental input. The report questions state and local policies that abridge the fundamental rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children, a pressing issue in North Carolina as the battle continues over implementing the Parents Bill of Rights. Released June 12,...

David N. Bass

NC Senate approves medical marijuana as conservative support grows

Though some Republicans remain skeptical of a regulated medical cannabis supply system, many conservatives support legalizing cannabis for medical purposes, including Cassie Clark, a North Carolina-based blogger whose content celebrates all the state has to offer.

Brianna Kraemer

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Push for regulatory changes to DCM authority could stretch into 2025

Recent changes to House Bill 385 provisions dealing with the statutory authorities of state agencies as they relate to developers and archaeological finds could indicate a more comprehensive reform to come in the long session of 2025. In a housing affordability crisis fueled by supply restrictions, advocates say increased transparency and regulatory certainty are crucial...

Jeff Moore

Sowing Resilience Heroes: Durrant Farms

Tom and Whitney Durrant have faced some unique challenges as first-generation farmers in a post-pandemic world, and alpacas are one of their unique solutions. Durrant Farms is on 86 acres just outside of Asheville. When the Durrants purchased the farm, it was in pretty bad shape. They have rehabilitated several pastures and renovated a small apartment...

Katherine Zehnder

Top 12 books for your 2024 beach bag

At Carolina Journal and The John Locke Foundation, staff members can often be found on weekends with their noses in a book. There are few better smells in this world than that of ink and paper with a little salt air and sunscreen mixed in. As you hit North Carolina’s glorious beaches this year, stick a few of these in your bag for that after dinner conversation.

CJ Staff

Native American bones, bureaucratic creep, and a stalled Carteret County housing development

In the town of Cedar Point, a subdivision development has encountered a major roadblock after the discovery of Native American artifacts and some human remains. State archaeologists believe these findings are of historical significance, which has halted the project after only about three dozen homes were built. This situation has highlighted the confusion and delays as the lines of bureaucratic jurisdiction become blurred.

Jeff Moore