
State forecasts $1.4 billion budget surplus

The North Carolina General Assembly's Fiscal Research Division projects that while inflation and interest rates are still up, the state will have $400 million over in collections in the current fiscal year and $1 billion additional revenue coming into the state coffers in FY 2024-25.

CJ Staff

IRS holding captive insurance in NC captive to uncertainty

Risk management is an essential component of owning and operating a small business. As someone who has been involved in the risk management sector for over 35 years, I feel confident in the ability of microcaptive insurance plans to make a difference in business owners’ lives. Unlike traditional insurance plans, captive insurance allows businesses to...

Ron Adams

State’s high court wrestles with Revenue Department tax exemption dispute

The North Carolina Supreme Court will decide in the months ahead whether a business qualified for a tax exemption from 2012 to 2014 for machinery it purchased to make asphalt. The business and the state Department of Revenue are locked in a dispute over the issue. The parties spent nearly an hour Tuesday morning haggling over the exemption during oral arguments before the high court.

CJ Staff

Map Act plaintiff challenges DOT’s ‘calamitous’ claims about recent ruling

A plaintiff in a Map Act dispute with the North Carolina Department of Transportation disputes the department’s claims about a recent state Court of Appeals decision. DOT argued that the decision could produce “calamitous” results for taxpayers.

CJ Staff

Federal spending drives inflation, but NC lawmakers can offer relief

If you’re like many North Carolinians, you’ve had to make more hard choices recently, like between paying your bills and buying your medicine. You might have even skipped meals to fill up your gas tank. We got here because big-government politicians put the yoke of regulations on your shoulders and spent money we don’t have...

Robert Bortins

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Three-judge panel will keep case challenging NC voter ID, tax cap amendments

A three-judge panel has rejected plaintiffs’ request to send a lawsuit challenging two North Carolina constitutional amendments back to a single Wake County judge. One amendment places a photo voter identification requirement in the state constitution. The other lowers a cap on state income tax rates.

CJ Staff

Robbing ourselves with student loan ‘forgiveness’

In honor of Financial Literacy Month, it’s worth taking a moment to consider one of the biggest financial challenges facing Americans of all generations — their student loan debt. For those who may not be familiar with the student loan process, there are two loan types that students and their parents can explore to pay...

Claire Olson

Opportunity Scholarships: 13,511 low income families get first tier awards

The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority announced March 30 that 13,511 new students in the first award tier have been offered scholarships. Renewal families — those already enrolled in the program — have also been offered scholarships. Families have until April 19 to accept or decline the award offer.

David N. Bass

Advocates: ‘One Door’ policy would get welfare recipients back to work

North Carolina lawmakers on Thursday heard from experts on the so-called “One Door” welfare reform policy implemented by Utah, a policy that advocates say helped to streamline the system and get more welfare recipients back into the labor force. 

David N. Bass